Belmont Pines Hospital Behavioral Health Treatments

Located Youngstown, Ohio, Belmont Pines Hospital provides compassionate and comprehensive behavioral health services for children and adolescents ages 5 through 18.

Belmont Pines Hospital Behavioral Health Treatments

Located Youngstown, Ohio, Belmont Pines Hospital provides compassionate and comprehensive behavioral health services for children and adolescents ages 5 through 18.

About Us

An exterior shot of Belmont Pines Hospital's front yard picture sign

What Sets Us Apart

  • 51,580-square-foot facility is located on nearly 20 beautifully wooded acres in Liberty Township
  • We employ a compassionate, trauma-informed care treatment model across all of our program offerings
  • We are TRICARE® certified and accredited and licensed by:
    • The Joint Commission
    • Ohio Mental Health and Addiction Services

Why choose us

Patient Satisfaction

4.28 / 5
I was treated with dignity and respect.
4.43 / 5
I feel better now than when I was admitted
4.36 / 5
Overall I was very satisfied with my treatment

* Data based on patients surveyed between July-December 2024.

Patient Success Stories

"Belmont Pines has been very helpful to my child through counseling and intervention. They have a wonderful program for youth in our area."


Parent of 12-year-old patient

"Belmont Pines staff have been caring and wonderful. I can't think of anything that can be done to better it."


Parent of 13-year-old female patient

"Communication has been fantastic. Every question or concern I had has been answered and addressed."


Parent of former 11-year-old patient

Your Feedback Matters

We value your feedback. Please take a few moments to share your review of the service you received while in our care.

Community Partnerships

National Action Alliance

The National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention has a public-private partnership with Belmont Pines Hospital to strengthen the country’s clinical capacity to provide innovative suicide prevention and care.

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The Ohio State University

The Families in Transition (FIT) field study seeks to test a new program to support parents with youth transitioning from residential care to the community.

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Other Partnerships

  • Mental Health and Recovery Board
  • National Alliance on Mental Illness
  • Ohio Children’s Alliance
  • P.A.W.S Therapy Team
  • and more

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A woman fills out a form while smiling.

Work With Us

Join the Belmont Pines Hospital team and make a difference in the lives of adolescents and children.

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Belmont Pines Hospital

615 Churchill Hubbard Road
Youngstown, OH 44505

Local Phone: 330-759-2700
Toll-free Phone: 800-423-5666